about planes --Pre "Are dio n?" \s "Ca ncel" McDonnell Douglas MD 500D Boeing CH-47B Title Messerschmitt Me-262 Mikoyan MiG-29 Junkers JU-87D Lockheed P-38 Gates Learjet 24D Douglas DC-3 The Structureog The Structureog The Structureog The Structureog The elements of interest in this book are (in order of appearance): 1. The full screen application behavior was automatically added to the book script by using Auto-Script (look under "viewers"). 2. The "last update" field on page 1 updates itself whenever the book is saved. The code is in the book script "save" and "saveas" handlers. 3. The menu buttons on page 2 (menu page) will automatically update themselves to match the pages. If a page is renamed, added or removed, the buttons will update themselves to reflect the new structure. The code is in the group script. 4. The "loop" button will automatically navigate through the book, flipping pages once every 15 seconds. This is accomplished by using a timer. A timer is also used to control the spinning cursor. 5. The navigation buttons are enabled and disabled by a script that was automatically added by using the Auto-Script feature. The actual navigation is performed by the new hyperlink functionality. Once again, it is all automatic. 6. The stage on the content pages uses a script based on mmNotify to automatically repeat the clip. The stage will automatically play the clip specified by the "whatClip" property of the page on enter page.on enter page..age. about 9504202118591902780147230217 ASYM_TpID in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine scrolling enterPage --{Smart bars} notifyAfter slf = e= TRUE ,> 0 C<> " e= FALSE enterpage buttonclick --{Auto disable NEXT notifyBefore enabled buttonclick enterpage buttonclick --{Auto disable PREVIOUS notifyBefore enabled buttonclick Previous buttonclick buttonclick enterpage enterPage The Contentalog The Contentalog The Contentalog The Contentalog All of the components of this application were produced with products from Asymetrix. The background bitmap and the navigation buttons were rendered in 3DF/X. The scene was rendered three times; once without buttons, once with the buttons floating above the background and once with the buttons placed near the background surface. The buttons were then carefully cropped to produce the button graphics you see here. The videos were also produced by 3DF/X. The aircraft are standard models that ship with the product. Digital Video Producer (DVP) and PalEdit were used to create a common palette from the bitmaps and videos. DVP was also used to adjust the video compression options to be better suited to playback from a CD.. Douglas DC-3 clip "Douglas DC-3" whatClip $275,000 Douglas DC-3 One of the world's outstanding airplanes. Kept in covered storage. Recent engine and control surface overhaul. Specifications: Range - 1,650km Cruise Speed - 274 km/h 2 Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp (894 kW) Lockheed P-38 clip "P38" whatClip $75,000 Lockheed P-38 "Lightning" Built in 1945 and unrestored. Engines run but need work. Some corrosion but structurally sound. Specifications: Range - 724km Top Speed - 666 km/h Cruise Speed - 467 km/h 2 Allison V1710-111 (1,099 kW) engines Messerschmitt Me-262 clip "ME262" whatClip $40,000 Messerschmitt Me-262 World's first turbo-jet airplane. Built in 1944. Structurally sound, engines are non-functional. Availability of parts unknown. Specifications: Range - 1,050km Top Speed - 868 km/h 2 Jumo 109-004B (1,984 kW) engines Boeing CH-47B clip "CH-47 Chinook" whatClip $215,000 Boeing CH-47B "Chinook" Built in 1967. Limited service in Viet Nam. Surplused in 1992. Recent engine overhaul. Specifications: 4,000 lbs internal / 16,000 external hook Range - 1,142 km Top Speed - 304 km/h 2 T55-L-7C (2,125 kW) engines Gates Learjet 24D clip "Gates Lear" whatClip $1,295,000 Gates Learjet 24D Built in 1969. Low hours. Used by executives of large corporation. Complete maintenance history. Specifications: 6 passengers Range - 2,512 km Top Speed - 877 km/h 2 G.E. CJ610-6 (13.12kN) engines Junkers JU-87D clip "Junkers JU87D" whatClip $775,000 Junkers JU-87D "Stuka" This work horse of the Luftwaffe was built in 1941. This historical aircraft has been immaculately restored. Flight ready. Specifications: Range - 1,000 km Top Speed - 410 km/h 1 Jumo 211J-1 (1,043kW) engine Mikoyan MiG-29 clip "MiG-29M" whatClip $20,000,000 Mikoyan MiG-29 "Fulcrum" Built in 1986. Recognized as the top performing fighter aircraft in the world. Purchased from CIA in U.S. government auction. Specifications: Range - 1,200 km Top Speed - Mach 2.3 2 Klimov RD-33 (81.4 kN) engines planes timerID keyDown cycleNext SYSTEM timerID <> NULL cycleNext 9504202118591902780147230217 ASYM_TpID Backdrop _ASYMA_LockMove buttonClick TO HANDLE buttonClick --{Exit enterPage -- This {has hyperlink --{Auto disable notifyBefore enabled buttonClick ID 10 _tbk_Hyperlinks buttonClick _asym_hyperlinks previous enterpage -- This {has hyperlink --{Auto disable PREVIOUS notifyBefore enabled buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks enterpage -- This {has hyperlink --{Auto disable NEXT notifyBefore enabled buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks oom center out fast oom center in normal player in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Description Price:irplanes Price:irplanes Price:irplanes in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine price 1 of 2 pgCnt enterpage notifyBefore pgCnt = pgNum = pg1 = +1) && " " && 2 of 8 status loading video. Standby... enterPage notifyBefore = "Standby..."&CRLF&TAB&"loading video." Standby... loading video. ACME Airplanes ACME Airplanes ACME Airplanes enterPage ASYM_Reset enterPage leavePage McDonnell Douglas MD 500D clip "MD 500H" whatClip $185,000 McDonnell Douglas MD 500D Built in 1975. Purchased from leasing company. Used as shuttle and received only light duty use. Always on scheduled maintenance. Specifications: Range - 611 km Cruise Speed - 258 km/h 1 Allison 250-C20B (313kW) engine 9504202118591902780147230217 ASYM_TpID Backdrop _tbk_LockMove buttonClick TO HANDLE buttonClick --{Exit enterPage -- This {has hyperlink --{Auto disable notifyBefore enabled buttonClick _asym_hyperlinks previous -- This {has hyperlink buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks -- This {has hyperlink buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine ACME Airplanes ACME Airplanes ACME Airplanes enterPage asym_reset planes firstIdle .'+ +F default buttonclick handler updates the match notifyBefore firstIdle LOCAL pgList, objList a list Ubuttons a count objCnt = pgCnt = /"planes" '= TRUE -- walk enable enough enabled = (i <= = NULL captions '= FALSE pthat matches buttonclick = default McDonnell Douglas MD 500D koyan MiG-29 d nkers JU-87D Junkers JU-87D Douglas DC-3 Mikoyan MiG-29 Lockheed P-38 Boeing CH-47B Our goal is to provide the aviation enthusiast with the highest quality modern and antique aircraft available anywhere. We search the world to offer the absolute best value and selection on exotic, high performance and hard to find aircraft. Please take a moment to browse our current catalog.. in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine auto-loop Auto-loop firstIdle enterpage Gates Learjet 24D Messerschmitt Me-262 9504202114181621682114305832 ASYM_TpID Backdrop _tbk_LockMove -- This {has hyperlink buttonClick blinds speed 1000 _ASYM_Hyperlinks in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine intro firstIdle intro closed leavePage notifyAfter firstIdle sysMediaSuspend = FALSE mmPlayable clip "intro" mmplay @TRUE mmStatus 5 <> "closed" mmclose ACME Airplanes ACME Airplanes ACME Airplanes Company Catalog Company Catalog Company Catalog enterpage asym_reset firstIdle leavePage Title ASYM_BeenHere update Last Update: October 5, 1995995 Last Update: October 5, 1995995 Last Update: October 5, 1995995 autoLoop r F:\new_apps\kisok\ :HDMEDIAPATH :SHOWCONFIRM :CDMEDIAPATH Times New Roman Times New Roman MS Sans Serif Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Times New Roman Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman G:\mtb40\examples\kiosk\ Times New Roman G:\mtb40\examples\kiosk\ Arial New Roman D:\ARNOLD\SAMPLES\KIOSK\KIOSK.SST Arial New Roman F F s Arial New Roman Mike Florence Michael Florence Asymetrix Corporation author ftsSetFile enterpage moved asym_reset buttonDown buttonUp buttonClick buttonDoubleClick rightButtonDown rightButtonUp rightButtonClick rightButtonClick rightButtonDoubleClick notifybefore "0,0" "0,0" moved ssm = sysSuspendMessages notifyBefore asym_reset buttonClick rightButtonClick loading video. Standby... enterpage notifyBefore = "Standby..."&CRLF&TAB&"loading video." e= FALSE tbk_backdrop loading dc3.avi p38.avi me262.avi lear24.avi ju87d.avi mig29.avi md500.avi ch47.avi audio1.wav audio2.wav Douglas DC-3 ME262 MiG-29M Gates Lear Intro Junkers JU87D MD 500H CH-47 Chinook Excel Copyright 1994 Asymetrix Corporation gives you permission e, revise, reuse the individual scripts your own applications. You may J entire substantial part redistribution b product. retains copyright on original elements . Include notice "Portions are contain copied Design, Content Coding Mike Florence --{Full Screen Application} added Hautoscript enterApplication findCD leaveApplication SYSTEM timerID, cursorTimer -- stop timers necessary 3 <> NULL ; -- -play running killTimer( following code full screen captionBar state = maximized askSkip, sysRuntime <> TRUE ; -- sysMM = sysMediaSuspend = FALSE mmClose ; -- clips -- editing = thickframe -- prompt info /<> "about" "The 8describe how 8was created works." now" session" description" c"Go" updateDate saveAs title %"M d, y" 0" = "Last Update:" && handler finds users CD linkDLL "TB40DOS. STRING getCDDriveList() CDList = ; -- returns a list CD players CDMediaPath P& ":\mtb40\examples\kiosk\") handler will create 2 windows timers -- one control the turning cursor spinning buttonclick SYSTEM timerID, cursorID, cursorTimer delayTime = 18 ; -- xpager linkDLL "user" INT SetTimer (WORD, DWORD) "KillTimer -- translate message so sent translateWindowMessage Hdefault) myTimer -- 275 = WM_TIMER ,5858, *1000,0) -- couldn't so abort ("Could xsetup = NULL = FALSE >buttonClick mmPlayable clip "loop" -- ,5859,300,0) ; -- used -- audio sysMediaSuspend = mmOpen notify mmplay >TRUE [up everything notifyAfter -- kill necessary -- stop mmStatus <> "closed" mmClose where we whatHandle, whatMsg, wparam, lpLow, lpHi ) = 5859; -- mmYield = 5858 ; -- -- notice above includues " parameter mmnotify whatClip, whatCommand, whatStatus = "successful" ; -- no errors ; -- notifyAfter SYSTEM cursorTimer cursorFlag = ( = NULL) ; -- don't hourglass auto " ; -- only play clips )readerLevel whatClip = mmPlayable Xthat the playable mmStatus K"closed" ; -- isn't mmOpen mmplay hold ; -- "status" /= "Video will handler loop -- notice above includes " parameter mmnotify , whatCommand, whatStatus = "successful" ; -- no errors ; -- playing notifyBefore sysMediaSuspend = FALSE <> "CLOSED" mmClose LTRUE notifybefore "0,0" "0,0" moved ssm = sysSuspendMessages notifyBefore ASYM_Reset {loc; buttonClick rightButtonClick findCD enterApplication killTimer cursorTimer timerID leaveApplication reader .'+ +F Go to description askSkip killTimer Skip for session Skip for now The last pages of this book describe how the book was created and how it works. session cursorTimer about timerID author updateDate updateDate saveAs Last Update: M d, y update title updateDate TB40DOS.DLL :\mtb40\examples\kiosk\ CDList getCDDriveList 0wgetCDDriveList findCD .'+ +F SetTimer KillTimer xSetTimer Could not setup timer. cursorID cursorTimer myTimer default timerID buttonclick .'+ +F KillTimer closed cursorTimer timerID enterpage cursorID myTimer successful mmplay mmnotify .'+ +F .'+ +F reader Video will not play. whatClip cursorTimer closed jwhatClip status enterPage successful mmplay mmnotify CLOSED whatClip jwhatClip leavePage enterpage moved ASYM_Reset buttonDown buttonUp buttonClick buttonDoubleClick rightButtonDown rightButtonUp rightButtonClick rightButtonClick rightButtonDoubleClick &File &Open... 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